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  • Arjan van Olphen's avatar
    build: Build process fixes and additions · 687ee19c
    Arjan van Olphen authored
    Update of '' file.
    Modifications accommodating all changes in new version of the Git sub-module 'cmake/lib'.
    Added '' which replaces to initialize the Git sub-modules and fixes Windows symbolic 
    links and optionally installs the Windows MinGW toolchain when on Windows.
    Most projects CMake files are symlinked from the 'cmake/lib' sub-module.
    Replaced project-root bash scripts with symlinks to 'cmake/lib' git-module.
    Updated shell scripts called by tests to find the correct dynamic libraries from the Qt framework and other.
    Added GoogleTest unittest for testing the 'SfGoogleTest' package in 'cmake/lib'.
    Called modified CMake function 'Sf_AddTestCoverageReport' from cmake-lib git-module as it should.
    Pipeline script updated to use Qt v6.8.1 Docker image.
    Fixed main pipeline script to have git trust any directory when format checking.
    Added version information to Qt app to see which library is used and which one was it compiled with.
    Added doc-block to hello.h.
    build: Build process fixes and additions
    Arjan van Olphen authored
    Update of '' file.
    Modifications accommodating all changes in new version of the Git sub-module 'cmake/lib'.
    Added '' which replaces to initialize the Git sub-modules and fixes Windows symbolic 
    links and optionally installs the Windows MinGW toolchain when on Windows.
    Most projects CMake files are symlinked from the 'cmake/lib' sub-module.
    Replaced project-root bash scripts with symlinks to 'cmake/lib' git-module.
    Updated shell scripts called by tests to find the correct dynamic libraries from the Qt framework and other.
    Added GoogleTest unittest for testing the 'SfGoogleTest' package in 'cmake/lib'.
    Called modified CMake function 'Sf_AddTestCoverageReport' from cmake-lib git-module as it should.
    Pipeline script updated to use Qt v6.8.1 Docker image.
    Fixed main pipeline script to have git trust any directory when format checking.
    Added version information to Qt app to see which library is used and which one was it compiled with.
    Added doc-block to hello.h.